Thursday, 22 August 2019

The Real Estate Career of Nawar Hussein

For Nawar Hussein, his primary goal is to make sure every investor, fully understands that real estate provides the highest return of any potential investment, but that nothing is guaranteed. That said, Nawar Hussein is special due in part to his ability to find the best investment property for a given situation, meaning he is uniquely capable of finding real estate that is priced below fair market value, but which can be restored enough to make them financially viable.

One thing everyone who asks Nawar Hussein for advice and counsel should know that he has a great aptitude for business and real estate, as well as a solid reputation as a businessman and entrepreneur. For example, he co-founded Riereta Equity Group, a leading real estate investment firm that specializes in real estate investments in the Barcelona and Girona areas of Spain. Creating that group came out of a belief that creating the best real estate firm in all of Spain was good for everyone, and he has largely exceeded expectations.